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Re: Looking for sources on a

At 2:39 PM 1/11/96, Joe Tardo wrote:
>        Reply to:   RE>Looking for sources on agent security
>David Chess writes:
>> If anyone has any good references or bibliography items
>> on the subject, I'd be interested in a copy (either direct
>> to me, or posted to the list here).  I have a few URLs and
>We will have a paper at IEEE CompCon next month on Telescript
>security.  The is really no new content from the URL you have.
>However, between now and the time that the IEEE actually publishes
>it, I understand I can legally send the postscript file to anyone
>who requests it.
>-- Joe

Sure would appreciate a copy of your paper.

Thanks in advance.



Dr Daniel Tan                  | School of Electrical &
                               |         Electronic Engineering
E-mail: ethtan@ntu.ac.sg       | Nanyang Technological University
Fax:    (+65) 791-2687         | Nanyang Avenue
Phone:  (+65) 799-5391         | Singapore 639798
                               | Republic of Singapore